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Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

CIAM møde 2020

16 feb 2020 15:03

Hej allesammen,

Jeg har netop modtaget agendaen for CIAM mødet i Lausanne i starten af april. Jeg har sendt en mail til alle styringsgruppeformænd og til svævegrenkoordinatorene.
Det er dem der samler svar fra de forskellig grene og sender dem til mig. Kontakt derfor DIN grens koordinator eller styringsgruppeformand, hvis du vil have indflydelse på regelændringerne. Deres deadline for at sende til mig, er onsdag d. 20/3, så du skal henvende dig før.
Enkelte kan få en anden deadline, hvis en subcomiteeformand beder om forhåndstilkendegivelser.

Jeg har indsat agendaen og skemaet til afstemning i denne tråd.
Agendaen kan også findes her:

God læselyst!

Erik Dahl Christensen
CIAM delegeret
Og modelflyver :ugeek:
Vedhæftede filer
Denmarks votes with comments 2020 - skabalon.doc
(589 KiB) Downloadet 214 gange
(1.08 MiB) Downloadet 232 gange
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: CIAM møde 2020

13 mar 2020 08:34

CIAM mødet 2020 er udsat pga. Coronavirus

Se nedenstående:

Dear delegates,

We regret to inform you that as a result of recent global events and the ongoing situation with COVID-19, CIAM Bureau decided to postpone the 2020 CIAM Plenary Meeting and Technical Meetings on April 3-4, in the interest of public safety.

With this outbreak all over the world our priorities must be different. We have to consider that the health of people is much more important than any airsport competition or activity.

CIAM Bureau together with FAI Secretariat will be discussing options and will communicate plans for the next CIAM Plenary as soon as they are available.

Many airlines have introduced flexible conditions for cancelling and rescheduling flights, and we recommend you check with your airline to take advantage of this.

The FAI office is in contact with Hotel Au Lac. Those of you who have a reservation with this Hotel please contact them directly mentioning that the cancelation of the reservation is due to the cancelation of the scheduled meeting.

We apologise for the inconvenience the meeting cancellation may cause, but we strongly believe this is the most sensible outcome given the current outbreak.

Kind regards

Antonis Papadopoulos

CIAM President
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!