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Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

29 feb 2020 16:26


Dette er også sendt som mail.

Snart skal mange ud i verden og repræsentere DK på forskellig vis. Internationale konkurrencer og mrsterskaber. Selvom reaktionerne på coronavirus kan lyde voldsomme, så lad os undgå panik og samtidig være fornuftige og passe på os selv og hinandens helbred.

Det er fornuftigt at følge anbefalingerne fra Udenrigsministeriet, fra de lande I skal til og fra konkurrencer organisationerne.

* Tjek løbende udenrigsministeriets anbefalinger: ... ledninger/

* Registrer jeg på udenrigsministeriets liste:

* Hold jer ajour på mesterskabernes hjemmeside og ved kontaktpersoner.

Herunder er der også en mail fra Antonis Papadopoulos, CIAM President om samme emne med en vedhæftet fil fra IOC.

God fornøjelse og held og lykke til alle.

Erik Dahl Christensen
Senest rettet af Erik Dahl 18 mar 2020 09:37, rettet i alt 2 gange.
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og COVIM-19/corona-virus

29 feb 2020 16:27

(Se også den vedhæftede fil)

Dear friends,

I am contacting you on behalf of CIAM Bureau regarding the CIAM World / Continental Championships and other CIAM scheduled activities for 2020.

The recent COVID-19 development is monitored not only by CIAM but also by the FAI Secretariat who are in direct contact with other major sporting organizations. Please find attached a document published by IOC for this matter.

As CIAM we are already in direct contact with all CIAM First Category event’s organizers. The situation in each country is different and while this issue is evolving, it is essential that everyone connected to FAI/CIAM Championships remains in close contact with the CIAM Bureau and FAI Secretariat.

The same applies for the CIAM Plenary which is planned for the beginning of April. For those of you aiming to travel to Switzerland kindly refer to the official source of the Swiss authorities on: ... l-cov.html

As CIAM Bureau, we are considering that the health of people is much more important than any airsport competition or activity. We hope that the coronavirus outbreak will decrease rather than increase.

Kind regards

Antonis Papadopoulos

CIAM President
Vedhæftede filer
2020-02-28 - Let - Recognised IF Update COVID-19 KML IGH.pdf
(183.18 KiB) Downloadet 284 gange
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

CIAM events lukket ned til 20. April -World Cup og Open Internationals

15 mar 2020 10:07

Nyt fra CIAM om Coronavirus og nedlukning af CIAM events indtil 20. April.

Hej allesammen,

Læs venligst også nedenstående mail fra CIAM/Antonis Papadopoulos

Denne første info angår primært kategori 2 events. Dvs. World Cup og Open internationale for os. CIAM har besluttet at lukke ned for alle CIAM sanktionerede events indtil 20. april. Info skulle også komme fra de enkelte World Cup koordinator er når det er påkrævet.

Der er også info om, at CIAM er i kontakt med arrangørerne af "kategori 1" events. Dvs VM og EM, og at info også burde komme fra arrangørerne, når der er info.

Jeg har talt med Chris i MDK sekretariatet, og da MDK ikke har nogen afbestillingsforsikring, afventer vi betaling af entry fee til lige før deadline. Se bulletin og mail fra mig. Vi har diskuteret andre muligheder for betaling. Det vender vi tilbage med hvis det bliver aktuelt.

Samtidig afventer jeg bestilling af landsholdstøj lidt endnu.

Hvis I har spørgsmål, så ring gerne 52389093.

Erik Dahl Christensen

---------- Forwarded message --------


Considering the current situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and in order to protect the health and safety of the entire CIAM community, we regret to announce that all CIAM sanctioned events are suspended as of tomorrow, for 30 days i.e. from Monday, 16 March 2020 until Monday, 20 April 2020.

CIAM Bureau will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will evaluate the options for the continuation or not of the scheduled events after the suspension period. We will issue a new announcement in due time.

We did the same for our Plenary Meeting. Public health and safety are our top priorities for the moment.

We know and we understand that some of the events which are going to be suspended may be postponed for a future date but some will be cancelled. For the events which will be cancelled due to this outbreak, CIAM Bureau decided to allow the organizers to use the sanction fees paid for this year, for events for the next year.

World Cup coordinators will be in touch with you when the situation allows for it.

This announcement refers more for the 2nd Category Events (World Cups or Open International). For World or Continental Championships, CIAM Bureau is in direct contact with the organizers and FAI Secretariat. The organizers will keep you posted accordingly.

Be responsible and follow the instruction from your local Health Authorities.

STAY HOME and why not, build your models.

On behalf of CIAM Bureau

Antonis Papadopoulos

CIAM President
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

27 mar 2020 19:45


CIAM holder et onlinemøde torsdag d. 2. april om situationen mht. VM/EM, World Cup og møder. Brevet fra Antonis har jeg indsat herunder. Jeg forventer at der efter mødet i løbet af påsken kommer besked fra CIAM om hvordan de vil håndtere det.

Jeg ringer til styringsgruppeformændene i uge 15 (6-12./4) eller lige efter en evt. forlængelse for, at afklare hvordan vi skal forholde os til den næste periode efter 20/4?
Vores første beslutning var jo at aflyse alle danske konkurrencer frem til 20/4 som CIAM har gjort, på trods af at den danske nedlukning den gang var frem til d. 30/3. Mit forslag - indtil jeg bliver klogere - vil være, at de danske konkurrencer følger udmeldingerne fra statsministeren mht. forsamlingsstørrelse og evt. udgangsmuligheder og anbefalinger. De danske World Cup konkurrence følger jo CIAM's udmeldinger som World Cup, men kan måske gennemføres som rene danske konkurrencer hvis det danske samfund er til det?

På et tidspunkt i løbet af foråret skal vi til at overveje hvordan vi vil løse opgaven med at udtage landshold til 2021, hvis vi får aflyst en halv sæson eller mere? Skal vi fremskrive udtagelsen fra 2019? Skal vi ekstraordinært koble 2019 og 2020 udtagelsesperioderne sammen? I har sikkert også andre forslag til løsninger?
Erik Dahl Christensen

Brevet fra Antonis Papodopoulos:
Dear friends,

Unfortunately the COVID-19 outbreak is “accelerating” as the WHO Director General (World Health Organization) recently announced.

Our priorities for the moment are the Public Health and the safety of the community.

As CIAM Bureau we announced the following:

- All Second Category events (World Cups + Open International) are suspended until April 20. World Cup coordinators and CIAM S/C chairmen are communicating with the organizers, to let them know about this decision and a new communication round will take place as soon as we know more about the status of the COVID-19 outbreak. We have instructed the organizers, that for the time being it is not necessary to reschedule the events since nobody can predict how long the restrictions applied by the authorities will last.

- All First Category events organizers are in direct contact with the Bureau and we are exchanging information about expected participation as derived from the Preliminary Entry Forms. We are also discussing various options or alternatives for this or next year.

- CIAM Plenary and CIAM Bureau meetings were both postponed.

The reason of this communication is that we are also looking to know about your thoughts, proposals or suggestions. As you have been appointed as delegates from your NACs you know much better what exactly is the status in your country and which are your organization thoughts for CIAM activities for this year. Maybe you are already in contact with your teams.

The same kind of questions we have already asked to all First Category events organizers. So with your replies we will have input from both sides.

As we have mentioned to the organizers, we have, not to underestimate the situation. For the moment everybody is concentrating on the medical impact of the COVID-19. Later on the financial impact will be also an issue.

As CIAM Bureau we are seeking for your input. We are standing close to you and by you. Any kind of decision will have to be for the benefit of the community.

CIAM Bureau is scheduling an e-meeting for next Tuesday. May I kindly ask you to send us your feedback by the end of this week. Every opinion counts in this very moment.

Stay safe

Antonis Papadopoulos

CIAM President
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

01 apr 2020 17:49

Hej allesammen,
Landsholds Team Managere,
Og alle andre interesserede

Læs venligst nedenstående fra CIAMs e-møde i går ang. kategori 1 events (VM og EM) og kategori 2 events (World Cup og Open Internationals).

Kategori 2 events
- World Cups aflyst indtil 31. maj
- ingen World Cup rangliste for 2020
- World Cup arrangører bedes kontakte de respektive World Cup koordinatorer for aflysning eller flytning af berørte stævner
- ny kalender kommer efter 31. maj

Kategori 1 events. (redigeret)
CIAM indstiller til FAIs General sekretær at VM ogEMer annulleres i 2020.
Mht. de enkelte VM og EM'er er CIAM og subcomitee chairmans i kontakt med arrangørene om de aflyses eller udsættes. Der kommer snarest besked.

Erik Dahl Christensen

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: "Antonis Papadopoulos gmail"

Dear friends,

Yesterday CIAM Bureau members met via teleconference and discussed the current situation with COVID-19 outbreak and the various options or alternatives.

First of all we would like to thank all the delegates and all the organizers who provided their feedback. The information provided was very helpful.

What we have done so far:

· We have decided to suspend all Second Category events (World Cup and Non World Cup Open International) until April 20, 2020.

· We contacted all First Category event organizers twice and we exchange ideas about the future of each event.

· S/C Chairmen and World Cup Coordinators contacted the Second Category event organizers to communicate the CIAM Bureau decision.

· CIAM Bureau and CIAM Plenary Meetings were postponed.

What was decided yesterday:

1. For Second Category events:

· Due to local legal restrictions in place in almost all countries where CIAM events are planned, CIAM Bureau unanimously agrees to extend the suspension until May 31, 2020.

· World Cup rankings and awards will not be applied for 2020. The results from all World Cup events already organized this year will be considered as Non World Cup event results.

· As long as this will be feasible there might be Open International events (non World Cup) later on this year.

· Until May 31, 2020 the World Cup Coordinators will communicate with the organizers to find out whether the scheduled events will be cancelled for this year and rescheduled for next year or moved to a later date this year as an Open International.

· The calendar published on the web site will be updated after the end of May, depending of course on the circumstances.

2. For First Category events:

The situation is different from Second Category events because we have in place signed Organizer Agreements (OA), contracts with sponsors, expenses realized, paid sanction fees, medals etc. However still Public Health and Safety are our top priority.

· CIAM Bureau members confirm that at least one of the reasons as listed in the Organizer Agreement signed between FAI and the organizer are fulfilled. Due to COVID-19, the situation can not be remedied. The ASC will follow the process as outlined in the OA and inform the FAI Secretary General with the suggestion to formally cancel the OA.

· Each S/C Chairman will be in contact with the organizers related to the specific disciplines and will discuss the alternatives which CIAM Bureau members discussed yesterday. The outcome of the discussions will be announced shortly.

· CIAM President will be in touch with the FAI Secretary General in order to define the best way to implement the decisions.

· CIAM Bureau propose that for 2021 only the maximum age for juniors be increased by one year to accommodate all the Junior competitors who were in this age classification this year but next year they will not.

3. For CIAM Meetings.

For the moment it is not possible to reschedule the postponed meetings.

· Depending on the circumstances, CIAM Bureau will decide later this year when and if the postponed Plenary Meeting will take place. We are considering the option to organize the Plenary early next year so not to add another burden to the delegates having to attend two similar meetings in a so short period of time.

· CIAM President will be in touch with FAI President, FAI Executive Board, FAI Secretary General and the Office to find solutions for CIAM activities.

· CIAM Bureau will ask an extraordinary authorization from the delegates to handle all CIAM matters extending the term of CIAM Bureau until the next Plenary.

We would like to thank all the CIAM community for their understanding during this difficult period and of course their contribution and support to our efforts. We stay as a Team while Staying Home.

Stay Safe

Antonis Papadopoulos

CIAM President
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

14 apr 2020 11:14

FAI's præsident har skrevet sine reflektioner over situationen med Coronavirus. Vedhæftet.
Der er ikke yderligere afklaringer om mesterkskaber.
Vedhæftede filer
Presidents Musings_9_April_2020.pdf
(306.96 KiB) Downloadet 242 gange
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

24 jun 2020 12:57

Hej Allesammen,
Så er der nyt fra CIAM/FAI om internationale mesterskaber i modelflyvning 2021. Se den vedhæftede PDF fil.

Brev fra Anonis, CIAM president:
Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well after restrictions applied almost worldwide due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Hopefully in many countries, restrictions have started to be lifted but still we need to be very careful and follow the instructions from the local authorities.

The restrictions applied didn’t allow us to host the 2020 CIAM Plenary meeting but on the other hand we had the opportunity to find alternative ways to communicate. We have exchanged emails and we received feedback from many delegates regarding the status in every country. This assisted the CIAM Bureau in order to move forward and program the next steps.

I have to express my thanks to CIAM Bureau members and World Cup coordinators for the tremendous job they did in order to reschedule almost all of the events included on the 2020 calendar. Also I would like to thank the organizers who assisted in this task.

You will be able to review the rescheduling of the First Category events either on the web site or the attached pdf file. Regarding the Second Category events, the newly developed system is currently under modification in order to facilitate the users to apply the many changes without having to delete and re-enter the applications again on the system. Unfortunately, COVID-19 implications were not part of the original design.

As you will notice from the pdf file, CIAM Bureau decided with the approval of the delegates, to award the World or Continental Championships only to the classes where, up until the date of the scheduled Plenary, we had received only one bid. The bids were evaluated by the S/C Chairmen and after their recommendations CIAM Bureau decided.

Due to this rescheduling of events, CIAM Bureau is considering a change to the sequence of some classes from odd to even years and vice versa. This of course will be finally decided with a proposal and a decision from a future Plenary.

In addition, we decided to approve the awards where only one nomination was submitted. Those awards are:

Alphonse Penaud Diploma


Antonov Diploma

· Peter HALMAN (GBR)

Andrei Tupolev Medal


In a similar way we decided to accept the proposal from the CIAM Education S/C regarding the CIAM Scholarship. As you have been informed by Per Findhal, the scholarship together with the Diploma “Spirit of Flight” was awarded to Michal ZITNAN from Slovak Republic.

Only one award is not yet decided; that being the FAI Aeromodelling Gold Medal, where we have two nominations.

All the Commissions are in direct communication with FAI Office and FAI Executive Board and we are looking for solutions for alternative ways to host a Plenary Meeting or at least to find reliable solutions for e-voting. Of course, this is not our primary goal. We are wishing to be able to host our meetings the usual way but we have to be ready in case the circumstances will not allow us for that.

Once more, on behalf of the CIAM Bureau, I would like to thank all of you for your support and your contribution during this very unpleasant and testing period. Keep the spirit up. Better days are in front of us.

Kind regards

Antonis Papadopoulos
CIAM President
Vedhæftede filer
(74.95 KiB) Downloadet 228 gange
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!
Erik Dahl
Indlæg: 1709
Tilmeldt: 30 okt 2001 19:50

Re: Internationale konkurrencer og Covid-19/corona-virus

30 sep 2020 08:57

En opdatering af de ændrede FAI mesterskaber for de kommende år.

Alle FAI mesterskaber blev jo enten udskudt eller aflyst i 2020. Derfor er der også andre mesterskaber der er ændrede.

Mvh Erik
Vedhæftede filer
2020-2024 CIAM Championship Bids Status - 23 September 2020.pdf
(161.61 KiB) Downloadet 172 gange
Erik Dahl Christensen / "The Bart Bird man" aka Dr. Dahl / Droneforening Fyn / bredt engageret modelflyver :D
Vi kan hvad vi vil - hvis vi vil! / Gør noget, og gør det sjovt!